HKD 74.00 起




產品說明: E-6000是一種高效能、有彈性的工業黏合產品。本產品適用於接合多不勝數的工業物料(包括:各種金屬、玻璃、塑膠、合成原料、瓷磚、水泥、橡膠、皮革、木材和聚乙烯等等),並且效果出眾。用E-6000黏合物料而得的接口,不單能夠提供強勁的防水性,而且長期保持彈性,不會輕易變脆,更不會輕易折斷。相對於硅酮、丙烯酸酯或橡膠類等膠水產品,E-6000可以更有力、更持久地黏貼在更多種類的物料表面,效果自然有過之而無不及。十項特色、十大優點:特色:對於廣氾的工業材料而言,黏貼力特強。優點:適用於接合玻璃、金屬、塑膠、橡膠、水泥、聚乙烯、皮革……等等。恐怕唯有窮盡你的想像力,才能為它劃出應用的界限。特色:未經開封啟用的產品,可享長達兩年的貯藏壽命。優點:可以長期存放,以利銷售(避免如快干膠[氰化丙烯酸酯]等製品所產生的聚合反應)。特色:用戶可髹漆油於E-6000的表面,油性或水溶性的漆油均適用。優點:雖然本產品只以黑、灰、白及透明四種顏色出售,但是用戶可依照物料的顏色,為本產品著色。(硅酮等膠水製品是不可髹漆的)特色:接口防水。優點:可用來塗封水池、水箱或其他液體容器;本產品可提供一道防濕屏障。特色:本產品備有抗紫外光(UV-6800)及不下墜(E-6100)配方。優點:面對日光充沛的應用環境,用戶可使用UV-6800配方;至於在懸垂的應用環境,用戶可使用E-6100配方。特色:本產品彈力十足、兼且黏力極強。優點:要黏連處於振盪環境的接口,本產品 勝任。它可以用來接合膨脹系數偏高的物料(例如水泥),其接口的拉力比硅酮製品強九倍。特色:本產品既抗磨損、又防撞擊。優點:本產品可用於繁忙的交通區域,作為接觸面的保護層。特色:處於酸性或鹼性環境下,本產品有抗酸鹼的化學特點。優點:本產品可用於酸鹼環境(如鹽水或硫酸)中作為抗腐蝕之保護塗層。特色:本產品具備超卓的介電絕緣性及抗阻性。優點:本產品極宜用於電子器材。特色:不易燃。優點:面對某些應用環境,一些易燃的產品會帶來潛在危險;本產品可免此弊。 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : E-6000 is a high-performance elastomeric adhesive that exhibits exceptional bonding to a broad range of materials including: metals, glass, plastic, composites, tile, cement, rubber, leather, wood and vinyl. E-6000 provides a tough waterproof bond that won¡¦t crack or become brittle because it remains flexible. The performance of E-6000 exceeds silicones, acrylics and rubber cements because it sticks to more surfaces with more strength and durability. TOP 10 FEATURES & BENEFITS: FEATURE: High adhesion to a variety of substrates. BENEFIT: Adheres to glass, metal, plastic, rubber, concrete, vinyl, leather, etc. The applications are only limited by your imagination. FEATURE: Two year shelf life for unopened containers. BENEFIT: May stock for future sales (unlike cyanoacrylates, which can polymerize). FEATURE: E-6000 is paintable with oil or waterbased coatings. BENEFIT: Although available in black, gray, white and clear, you can paint to match the color of your material (silicones are not paintable). FEATURE: Waterproof bond. BENEFIT: Seals pools, tanks or other liquid containers; provides a moisture barrier. FEATURE: Available in UV-resistant (UV-6800) and Nonsag formulas (E-6100). BENEFIT: Use UV-6800 for applications exposed to sunlight. Use E-6100 for vertical applications. FEATURE: Highly flexible yet extremely strong. BENEFIT: Maintains bonds subject to vibration. Bonds materials with high coefficients of expansion (cement). Has 10 times the tensile strength of silicones. FEATURE: Resistant to abrasion and impact. BENEFIT: Use on high traffic areas as a protective coating. FEATURE: Provides chemical resistance against acids and bases. BENEFIT: Use as a protective barrier against corrosion (i.e. saltwater, sulfuric acid). FEATURE: Excellent dielectric and resistivity properties. BENEFIT: Recommended for electrical applications. FEATURE: Nonflammable. BENEFIT: Use where flammable products are dangerous.




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